Allows easy sharing of images, music, videos and other media to and from your Android powered devices. Send media from your phone directly to your Google TV or other Android devices using Android’s built in “share” function. This is a local transfer and your information is only transmitted to and from your devices. No external server or connections are made. Sending and receiving devices must be on the same local network to initiate transfers. (wired to wireless, wireless to wireless etc....)Setup is as simple as installing Media Share on your Android powered device(s) (including GoogleTV) and checking the “Media transfer enabled”.
Receiving Device(s): Install Media Share. Setup your personal encryption key and check the box for media transfer enabled. You should now turn green indicating your ready to accept media.
Sending Device(s): Install Media Share. Setup your personal encryption key to match the receiving device. You may exit now unless you would like to enable this device to receive media from other sources also. Transferring images, music, videos and other media is as simple as using Android’s built in “Share” function and selecting “Media Share”. You should see your remote device(s) once you have installed Media Share and have matching encryption keys.
Permissions Needed:android.permission.INTERNETUsed for transferring images and media. Only local communication is needed. No data is transmitted or received from anything other than your personal devices.
android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGEandroid.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE Used to save and load your transfered media.
android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATEandroid.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE Used for allowing transfers to and from devices.